Pinned Blades

Regular price $5.96
Regular price Sale price $5.96

Bulk (12+): $4.47 each

Pin End scroll saw blades are for machines that require 5" pin end blades. They are perfect for Sears Craftsman, Penn State, Delta, Ryobi, and all scrolls saws that require pin end blades.

Each package includes 12 blades. All blades are 5" in length with pinned ends. All specified measurements are in inches.

Style Ref # Width Thick TPI Drill Bit
PRT 427 .070 .010 25 5/32*
PRT 405 .110 .018 20 5/32*
PRT 411 .110 .018 15 5/32*
PRT 412 .110 .018 10 5/32*
PST 424 .070 .010 18.5 5/32*
PST 425 .070 .014 18.5 5/32*
PRST 420 .100 .018 9 (5rev) 5/32*
PHT 410 .100 .018 7 5/32*

*Drill bit size is the smallest bit suggested; use larger bit when possible for ease.

Regular price $5.96
Regular price Sale price $5.96